Regular Dental Checkup
clues about your overall health?
Oral Examinations & Cleanings
Did you know that your oral health can offer clues about your overall health? That problems in your mouth can affect the rest of your body? With proper oral hygiene, bacteria in your mouth can be controlled so that it never reaches levels that might lead to oral infections, such as tooth decay and gum disease.
The Comprehensive Oral Exam
A comprehensive oral exam is an extensive evaluation and recording of all extra oral, intra oral, soft and hard tissues. All new patients at Love Your Smile Today undergo a comprehensive oral examination, as well as all existing patients every 3-5 years. By doing a comprehensive exam, we can together devise a strategy for long-term oral and general health. For example, medical conditions such as diabetes, leukemia, blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, oral cancer, immune abnormalities and sinus problems can be discovered before symptoms show up elsewhere in the body.
Our Complete Dental Examinations Take About An Hour And Include:
- Photographic records and dental scans
- Appropriate digital x-rays as necessary
- A Comprehensive treatment plan as necessary
- A soft tissue examination
- A screening and examination for periodontal diseases
- A detailed charting of cavities, existing restorations (fillings and crowns) and other tooth conditions
Why Is A Soft Tissue Exam A Good Idea? Two Words: Early Detection.
A soft tissue examination is often used as an early detection tool for pathological changes in the tissues that line the inside of the mouth. Our Love Your Smile Today dental office hygienists will perform a visual inspection and finger exploration of the tongue, under the tongue, roof of the mouth, salivary glands, insides of the cheek, and the back of the throat. Early detection means early treatment and better outcomes!