Tooth Removal or Extractions
One of the main goals of modern dentistry is to save teeth whenever possible. But in some situations, Dr. Randy Singh, Dr. Marty Sekand, Dr. Ken Jandoo or Dr. Steven Schneider at Love Your Smile Today may asses that it is better to remove (extract) a tooth instead. There may be no other choice but to remove a tooth to alleviate your pain or the infection.
Sometimes, the “wisdom teeth,” large molars (back teeth) that usually start coming in around age 17-25, require removal because they cannot fully come into the mouth or they cause infection, pain or other problems.
At Love Your Smile Today our dentists are very experienced with tooth extraction procedures and will make sure your process is as comfortable as possible.
Tooth Removal Recovery
It is normal to feel some soreness for a few days after a tooth is removed. Any discomfort can usually be relieved by taking an over-the-counter pain medication, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. You should also hold an ice pack on the outside of the cheek: place it on for 5 minutes, then take it off for 5 minutes, and repeat as needed for one hour to reduce the potential for swelling in the first 24 hours.
Click Here to get post operative instructions for tooth extraction procedure.